There are 2 big actions that I know of, on Earth Day, April 22nd (way after the Education Rally) and in DC on April 25th.
There is now a big, official network of student environmental groups from around NYC called Amp Up. We had one summit, we have a Ning site, and we're going to be having forum events, et cetera. Right away, we're taking action. On Earth Day we're going to be in the subway doing something, but it's not all worked out yet. The point is, we don't want people feeling like Earth Day was all about consumerism, like it came off last year in the media. The original Earth Day was serious, it was a day of protest. We're bringing it back.
3 Days later free busses are going down to DC for a huge Climate Rally, policy neutral, organized by Earth Day Network. I've become their NYC Point Person, so I am the person to ask about it.
This is the DC registration page: http://action.earthday.net/t/10584/signUp.jsp?key=5024 .
Before you just launch out into any of this business with us, there are some educational things you can do first. On April 15th, Students for Environmental Justice is hosting Those Most Effected Part 1: Teach-In on Climate Justice. The room is TBA but it will be 12-2 at school.
Then on April 16-17 is Youth Summit on Climate Justice: Our People, Our Hoods, Our Future (www.uprose.org) I think at the Point in the Bronx.
Of course CCNY Green will have some informative things going on after the Education Rally at 2 but I don't know much about it. Students for Food Justice and City Ag Network might be participating in bringing folks to our student/community garden at Saint Luke's Church at some point and we might organize a Toxics and Treasures Tour around the neighborhood with WE ACT for Justice.
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