Thursday, March 11, 2010

Post March 4 and City College Activist

This is a video from the second trip to Albany this semester that CCNY Students had access to going to to lobby for CUNY and SUNY. From City College, Davey Czyzyk from SER (Students for Educational Rights), me (Shannon from SEJ or Students for Environmental Justice) and Lisa Liu from USG were the CCNY students that went as well as Stanley Fritz, our new NYPIRG chapter project coordinator.

On March 10th, students from SER, ISO, SFJ, SEJ, CAN, CARE, Convent Collective and NYPIRG as well as "independent parties" came together to get to know each other and to discuss this connecting cause, the education movement. A woman named Sister Kenya joined in the middle and enthusiastically suggested civil disobedience as radical as thousands of students if not the whole student body refusing to enroll for an entire semester. [Lisa Liu from USG has invited students to 1/211 tonight (March 12) to address that USG is planning on raising student activity fees, which raises tuition ultimately].

Posters have hardly gone up for City College Activist but it is something that could work. The concept was discussed at this post-March 4, multi-group meeting and as was said there, we can have up to 100 authors per semester so just contact and I will grant you authorship.

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