Students for Environmental Justice, Food Justice, City Ag Network (which might change it's name to Food for Life, inspired by Relay for Life), and CCNY Green have been organizing with Columbia U, NYU, Queensborough Community College, Bronx Community College and other schools for this 60 or so person summit at CCNY. Ever hear of Power Shift? That was where 12,000 young folks all came to 1 conference in DC for the environment, at least the one in March 09.
This is like that man, except it's more immediate, NYC students, to create a network. Usually, groups are doing their own thing. SEJ goes to radical environmental rallies and wonders where the other students are. NYPIRG is the only example of an environmental network in NYC where students come from all CUNYs to rally or lobby together, but that leaves out private schools and groups like SEJ that are minority based and don't believe in carbon trading. Serious protests and actions will come out of this summit right away. We want to do something on Earth Day, (maybe later during Rush Hour).
There shall be Hydro Fracking Protests (anti-gas drilling), more coming together for Climate Justice at Last (that's my hope), and finally New Yorkers take a substantial stand against Mountain Top Removal (I've never heard of such an event). There will probably be frequent forums following this or even against nuclear. We are for something, renewable energy. The point is we will have a substantial new network.
It's free and open and there will be some vegan food so come! Search Amp Up Summit on FB, contact ampupnyc@gmail.com or just register here, https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGU4SW5NcXd0Wk82ZE1fY284dEQ2YlE6MA
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