If you want to stop Hydrofracking, you can join this phone blitz. This bill will give us another 6 months to build the movement.
Tuesday 11/23 (and everyday until the Assembly passes the bill), please call and ask the Speaker, influential members of the Assembly and the Governor to attend the Special Session in Albany and “bring the Sweeney hydraulic fracturing moratorium bill A11443B to the Assembly floor for a vote and pass the bill!”
Essential calls: (If the phone lines get flooded, send an email or fax!)
• Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver 518-455-3791, or, 212-312-1420 or mailto: Speaker@assembly.state.ny.us
FAX HIM @ 518-455-5459
• Assemblyman Herman Farrell (Chair of Ways & Means Committee)
518-455-5491, or, 212-234-1430, or, 212-568-2828 or mailto: FarrelH@assembly.state.ny.us
• Your Assemblyperson!
Find Them Here
• Governor David Paterson
518-474-8390 or email Paterson here